We have been really busy the last couple weeks, but I'm not complaining. We have had a lot of fun! Two weeks ago Matt and I had the opportunity to go to a Gaithers Vocal Band Concert with our friends J.P. and Lacie. J.P. is a big fan of the Gaithers (big may be an understament!). M and I had never been to a Gaither concert and really we hadn't ever listened to much gospel music, so we really didn't know what to expect. We had a great time! We got some good pictures of the all the artists that performed including The Isaacs, Buddy Green, David Phelps, and many others. 
This is a picture of Bill Gaither and the Vocal Band. The first part of the concert was my favorite. All the artists take turns singing their songs that they are known for doing and then the second half everyone joins together and all sing together.