Thursday, April 11, 2013

April Update

We received our new number for April. The last few months have been a little slow with regards to referrals. So, everyone needs to pray that children will be matched with their forever families. We are getting closer, but sometimes it still feels so far away. So here is our new number......

We have had a lot going on in the last month and the next couple months will be no different. Ministry, school and work keep us both on our toes. We love doing college ministry but summer break is coming and it is nice to have a break every once in a while.
Also, I will also be graduating in May with a masters degree from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. So my time at school will be coming to an end. People ask me if I am excited to graduate and truthfully I am but I am also a little sad that the whole thing is coming to an end. I never in a million years thought I would like school as much as I have. Yes, I have my hard days at school when I don't want to go or I don't want to work on school work but over all I have loved my time at NOBTS. God has blessed me with the opportunity to go to school and He has blessed my time there.
Anyways, enough with all that. Please continue to pray for us in these next couple months as we are working hard to finish both our semesters in a manner that is glorifying to God. Please pray for us also as we are waiting to receive a referral for our child/children.