We went to go visit our families recently and I had several people inform me that I need to update my blog. I was starting to question if I should even keep our blog or just get rid of it. I feel like we don't always have the most exciting information to share, but recently I've come to the realization that it's ok if we don't exciting information to share. People just want to keep up with us, even in the mundane everyday stuff. So I'm going to try and be better about blogging.
School started in August and we are having a really good year so far. We have a really great group of students and we are really excited about what God is doing on our campus and our three other campuses. This year has a totally different feel for Matt and I. This is now M's third year on his campus. One of things that we learned over the summer is that we can not force God to move, but what we can do is step back and let God do what He wants. It's not about us and what we do, but it is about Him and all we can do is point students to Him and pray that students develop a burning desire to get closer to God and His Word.

Here is a picture of our first event of the year. We did a cookout and had a huge slip-n-slide! It was so much fun. Matt and I's life group from church came to help us and it was a huge blessing. We were able to meet new students and hangout with students because our small group was handling all the food and programing details.
We have been super busy since school started, but it has been a good busy. So we definately can't complain. We are starting to feel more and more at home in Mississippi. We have made some really good friends and they make it easier to be here and so far away from our families.
We did just get home from a trip to visit families and it was so good to see them. I wasn't ready to come back, but I know that the holidays are right around the corner. My sister drove back to MS with us to spend a couple extra days with us and it was so great to have her here. I took her to the airport this morning and I miss her already. Thanks for coming to visit us sis!! I love you!
I'm sure there is alot more that I could share about our lives right now, but I think I better wait. I better ease back into this blogging thing!!