After going to the movies I had an idea. I didn't want to go out and eat again, so I decided that we should cook together. We both love to cook. So we went to Barnes and Noble and went to the cookbook section. We looked at lots of recipies and we choose what we wanted to make. It was fun just to go and sit and look at books and magazines together. Then we headed to Walmart to pick up everything that we needed.
I took some pics, so you could see what we choose to cook. We had a lot of fun, but were extremely full afterward. We ended up cooking most of the evening because we would make one thing and eat it and get full, so we would wait to start on the next until we felt like we could eat it.
Caution: The following pics are full of calories, so beware! This was a diet free night!
First was our appetizer, We chose to make Roasted Red Pepper, Spinach Artichoke dip. It was so good and pretty easy. I would definetly recommend if you need to take a dip to a party or something.
Next was the main course. I can't remember what this chicken is called, so we just call it Yummy Chicken in our house. I rarely make this, but it is very good. This one we didn't pick out at Barnes and Noble, this is a recipe that I had already, but this is what Matt wanted, so I decided I would make it for him.

For dessert Matt chose to make Camellia Grill Apple Pie. Camellia Grill is a restaurant in New Orleans. We like Camella Grill, so when Matt saw this recipie I wasn't suprised when he picked it. I was really easy to make and it tasted really good.
For dessert Matt chose to make Camellia Grill Apple Pie. Camellia Grill is a restaurant in New Orleans. We like Camella Grill, so when Matt saw this recipie I wasn't suprised when he picked it. I was really easy to make and it tasted really good.