Wednesday, May 28, 2008
12 hours
I really hate to admit this because it makes me sound very lazy but after the fact I was mad at myself for doing it. I slept 12 hours last night! From 7pm to 7am! I don't know how I did it and I don't really have a reason why I did it. I'm not sick, I don't feel bad. Last night around 6:30 I started getting tired, so after Matt and I ate dinner, I layed down on the couch and thought "I'm just going to lay here for 10 or 15 minutes and then I will get up and start working on stuff around the house", next thing I know, it's 8:45 and Matt is walking me to the bed. I thought for sure that I would wake up early this morning, but I didn't. I slept all the way until 7:00 this morning, which by the way, is me sleeping in because I get up at 6am. I can't believe that I did that! When I woke up this morning I was mad at myself for not doing all the things that needed to get done last night. Oh well! What can I do now? It's done, I did it, and I'm not proud of myself. What a waste of an evening!
Monday, May 26, 2008
Road Trip
Matt and I took a road trip this weekend, to go see one of our nephews graduate from high school. It was a quick trip but it was still a lot of fun. It takes us 10 hours to get from New Orleans to home, so in that time we have to come up with things that entertain eachother. Some of the things that I do is look at magazines, look at our favorite houses as we drive by, I have a coloring book that keeps me occupied for a little while, but my favorite all time thing to do is play "Middlecamp Karaoke". We find a radio station and then we both take turns singing the songs that are played. You have to sing the song that comes on, even if you don't know it. Then when you are done you get rated on a scale of 1 to 10. This past road trip I got my highest score ever! I got a 9 for singing some song that I can't remember right now. I'll have to let you know what it was when I think about it. But anyways, we had a good time and we always get a kick out of one another singing.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
RA's and GA's
On Wednesday nights at church, Matt and I both teach the RA's and GA's classes. Matt teaches the RA's and I teach the GA's. While it is totally exhausting some weeks, it is always a lot of fun. One of Matt and I's favorite times of the week is when we are driving home from church on Wednesday nights and we exchange stories about things that the kids said or did in class that night. One of my favorite stories from last night was from Matt.
Once a month the RA's have a prize night in class. They recieve tickets for good behavior, bringing their Bibles to class, memorizing their scripture verses, etc. All the tickets get put in a hat and then once a month they have a drawing to see who gets a prize. So last night after our GA's time, we took the girls to the playground, where the boys were already playing. I went outside and sat at a nearby table so I could see everyone. All the prizes that the boys had won were laying on top of the table. One of the boys was sitting there with a frown on his face. I asked him why he was upset and he told me it was because Mr. Matt told him he couldn't touch all the prizes, then he left and went on playing.
Later, in the car Matt and I were talking about the prizes and the boy and Matt told me that right before we had come outside, the boy was playing with all the prizes that didn't belong to him. Matt had told him twice to stop touching the prizes. After the second time he came over to Matt, looked up at him and with his teeth clenched together said, "If you don't stop telling me not to touch the prizes, I'm going to stomp on your toes". I was rolling in the car. I thought it was so funny! These kids crack me up and wear me out all at the same time.
Once a month the RA's have a prize night in class. They recieve tickets for good behavior, bringing their Bibles to class, memorizing their scripture verses, etc. All the tickets get put in a hat and then once a month they have a drawing to see who gets a prize. So last night after our GA's time, we took the girls to the playground, where the boys were already playing. I went outside and sat at a nearby table so I could see everyone. All the prizes that the boys had won were laying on top of the table. One of the boys was sitting there with a frown on his face. I asked him why he was upset and he told me it was because Mr. Matt told him he couldn't touch all the prizes, then he left and went on playing.
Later, in the car Matt and I were talking about the prizes and the boy and Matt told me that right before we had come outside, the boy was playing with all the prizes that didn't belong to him. Matt had told him twice to stop touching the prizes. After the second time he came over to Matt, looked up at him and with his teeth clenched together said, "If you don't stop telling me not to touch the prizes, I'm going to stomp on your toes". I was rolling in the car. I thought it was so funny! These kids crack me up and wear me out all at the same time.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
I didn't realize how long it had been since I posted anything until today. Sorry about that! We have been pretty busy lately. We went home to Arkansas to see my brother graduate from college. Congratulations Jesse! We are so proud of you. We had a great weekend and we were able to spend lots of time with our families while we were there. We were able to fly so that saved us lots of time. We had a great time being at home. Here is a picture of Jesse and I at his graduation party. I have more pictures but none of them really turned out. I think my camera is on it's last leg.
This past weekend Matt and I really didn't do a whole lot. We went to the graduation here at the seminary because we had several friends that were graduating. After graduation Matt and I spent the rest of our Saturday at the pool. It was so relaxing to just sit in the sun and read my book and hangout with friends. We had a pretty relaxing weekend.
Monday, May 5, 2008
Date Night, Baby Shower, and Pancakes
-Just a warning I forgot to bring my camera, so pictures will have to come later.- Sorry!
This weekend was very eventful, but it was lots of fun. On Friday afternoon Matt called me and let me know that we were going to go on a surprise double date with some of our friends. I love surprises so I was really excited. He wouldn't give me any hints about what we were doing but he gave me a time that I needed to be ready by. So about 6:15 we meet our friends and off we went. The hint that boys gave us in the car was, "This is a two part date, the first part is for us (the boys) and the second part is totally for ya'll (the girls)". ***Little background, my husband loves to eat out. So, when he told about this surprise date, I knew that it was just his way of getting me to agree to let him go out and eat. *** So, our first stop was to eat. They took us to Phil's Grill.

After we ate, we got back in the car and by the direction we were driving I knew we were going to the movies. I was really excited because I love to go to the movies, but we just don't get to very often living on a seminary budget. We went to go see Made of Honor. We got our tickets and turned around and there were three Hornets players standing behind us. All four of us stopped what we were doing and just stared at them. Then we stood around saying "Matt, go talk to them.", "No, you go talk to them.", "I don't know what to say, you go talk to them." Needless to say no one said anything to them and we went into to the movie theatre. But it was the highlight of the night. My favorite part of going to the Elmwood Theatre is the bathrooms. The Elmwood Theatre has the best hand blow dryers. They are crazy powerful. Every time we go I like to go wash my hands before and after the movie.

Saturday was Baby Shower Day. Some of my friends and I had a baby shower for our friends Cole and Chad. There were so many people there and so many desserts. It was a good time. I always love an excuse to have a party.
Sunday was a good day. Matt and I got up and went to church. Then that afternoon we took naps and just worked around the apartment getting things done. Then Sunday night we headed over to the University of New Orleans to help out with the BCM's Midnight Pancake Supper. Matt and I have helped out several times and we always enjoy it, even though getting up to go to work the next day is a struggle. We always have a good time.
Friday, May 2, 2008
I don't know what it is about the beginning of new months, but I love them. Maybe I like it because I get to tear off a page in the calendar, maybe I like it because I feel like it is a new beginning, I don't know what it is. I think it might be a mixture of lots of things. However, I'm not too excited about the start of this new month. This is one of the busiest months in the year for the Middlecamp family. We have something major going on every weekend of this month, and that doesn't include all the stuff that is going on during the week. Oh well, I don't want to complain. We are going to get to see our families a couple times this month and that doesn't happen too often. I'm excited that we will get to see everyone. So maybe May won't be so bad.
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