It's time for another blog. I really don't like having such long periods of time between posts, but I guess that is just how life is right now. Stuff at the BSU is going good. We are ending the school year so things are pretty busy right now. We are finishing up some Bible Studies this week, we have pancake dinners during finals, movie nights, and several other things going on. I can't believe that school is wrapping up already. This year has flown by.
It's been a while since I have used the Idea prompter so I decided I would see what ideas it had today. It suggested coming up with titles for my autobiography. I thought this would be something fun to do, so here goes....
1. "There's always an adventure" - It seems like when my sister and I get together you never know what is going to happen. Some of the most random things that have happened in my life have happend when my sister and I are hanging out. We have a good time together and we laugh a lot.
2. "It's Jacque." - Because of the spelling of my name a lot of people miss pronounce my name. When I was growing up in school, I hated when we would have substitute teachers because when they would call roll they would always stop at my name and say "Ok, tell me if I pronounce this wrong.... jock?...jack?" and all of my schoolmates would say "It's Jacque". Even when I was in college I had a professor that called me Jack all semester and I finally got tired of correcting him, so I just let him call me Jack.
3. "No Driving in the Rain" - When I was sixteen I had a series of car wrecks all in the rain. Because of these car wrecks I hate driving in the rain and don't like other people driving in the rain. I get really anxious when I have to drive in the rain, or I know someone I love is driving in the rain. I try not to be anxious about it, but my husband will tell you it's pretty bad.
Well, I think that is it. I don't think I will be writing a autobiography anytime soon,but it's kinda fun to think about a possible title. What do you think about these? What would you title your autobiography?