Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Still alive
Sorry for the lack of pictures but I didn't take any pictures while we were gone. I am really going to have to get better about taking more pictures or our lives are just going to pass us by and I won't have memories of what we have experienced.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
We are Sea Wolves fans!
All in all we had a good time. I've been battling a sinus infection so I wasn't on top of my game, so I didn't get a picture of Matt and I at the games but I'm sure it won't be our last game. So, I will have to get a picture of us next time.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
I've been tagged!
The rules of the tag are as follows:1.Post the rules on your blog. 2.Write six random things about yourself. 3.Tag three people at the end of your post. 4. If you are tagged, JUST DO IT, and pass the tag along.
1. I can't stand to sleep in pants or anything on my legs. I can't stand when the bottoms of my pants come up around my calves and knees. And they get so twisted around me during the night. I just don't like it.
2. Matt and I sit in total darkness when it is just the two of us at home. I can't stand paying high electricity bills, so to save when it is just the two of us all the lights are off.
3. My middle name on my birth certificate is misspelled, so legally my middle name is different than what it is supposed to be.
4. I was involved in three car wrecks within the first three months of my sixteenth birthday. Two were my fault, one was not. All three were on rainy misty days, so now I have major anxiety when I or anyone else I know is driving in the rain (I mean major anxiety).
5. I have self diagnosed myself with having restless legs syndrome. Sometimes I get tingley feelings in my lower back and legs and usually when I have these feelings I can't sleep, but when I do finally get to sleep, my legs will bend in the middle of the night. Most of the time, I sleep on my stomach, so when I sleep my legs bend at the knee and feet point towards the ceiling or sometimes I sleep on my back and sleep with my knees bent and my feet flat on the mattress. It drives Matt crazy!
6. My hair used to be bleach blonde. I don't know why I did it or why I thought it looked good. I grew it out many years ago and I don't think that I will ever be doing that again.
I tag Jenny, Diana, and Micah. Have fun!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Matt's a Hero!
Monday, October 20, 2008
Long time, no see!

Saturday, October 4, 2008
Missing Fayetteville
I love our pregame at Uof A football games. It is my favorite part of the whole game! Anytime we are in town on a game day you better believe we are looking everywhere for tickets.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Ace of Cakes

Monday, September 15, 2008
Matt's Office
This is a picture right when you walk in the door. I still have one blank shelf that I didn't know what to do with, but I figured Matt could use it for whatever he wanted.
I didn't get any pictures of his tall book shelves. But to the right of this seating area there are two tall book shelves. I don't know why I didn't get any pictures of them, but oh well.
So this is Matt's office. I think he feels a little more settled now that his office is finally finished. Let me know what you think.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Did I find a pearl?
As soon as it came out of my mouth, I looked at Matt and said "Is this a pearl?" He said he didn't know. I didn't know what to do. I just sat there for a little while and stared at it. I still don't know if it is or not. I tried to do some research on it, but I didn't find any information. I'm afraid to ask anyone because I don't want someone to think that I'm stupid, but I just want to know what it is. What do you think? Is it a pearl or is it something else?
Friday, September 5, 2008
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Here is the view as soon as you walk in the door. The walls look a lot more blue here than it really is.
This is the view standing at the fire place looking at the opposite corner, where the entrance is.
So, that is what Matt and I have been doing the last few weeks. Almost as soon as our building was getting done we were setting up for back to school activities. It really came down to the wire, but it looks great and we are really excited abut the finished product.
Matt and I have been really busy this week trying to get everything ready for school to start. It has been a great week though.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Great Weekend
The rest of our weekend was spent shopping, going to the pool at our apartment, and eating out. We had a great time and I am so glad that Lyndsey and Jesse were able to come and visit. I can't wait to do it again!
Saturday, August 16, 2008
I can't believe that school starts this week!
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Unforgettable Moments
1. The moment that I became a believer in Jesus Christ. I was talking with my mom and dad when everything became clear about Jesus and the sacrifice that God made for me by sending his son Jesus to die for me.
2. The moment that Jesse, my brother, had fallen off of the top bunk of his bed while he was asleep and realizing that he had asked me earlier that night to sleep on the top bunk because he was scared for some reason.
3. The moment that I came face to face with the two men that were robbing our home one night.
4. Leaving Barnhill arena after my high school graduation. I got in my car, rolled the windows down and turned the music up. I felt so free.
5. Taking off in a plane, going back to the states after I had spent the summer in Nepal. I knew that my heart had been changed forever.
6. The phone call that I got when my mom passed away. I just remember being on the phone, feeling like I was going to collapse and like the whole world was spinning around me and I was the only thing standing still.
7. My 21st birthday. My family planned a surprise Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood birthday party. I walked into the living room at my dad's house and the room was full of friends that I had all growing up, my grandmothers, my aunt, etc. They had all traveled in for my birthday and had written letters to me about memories and friendship.
8. The day that Matt proposed to me. The moment he got down on his knee.
9. The day that Matt and I got married. Specifically they moment that Matt and I got in the car after the reception. It was so quiet and even though we had been in the same room all day and had even said our vowels to each other, it felt as if we had not seen each other all day.
10. When Matt and I moved to New Orleans. After our wedding and honeymoon, we drove from Fayetteville to New Orleans for Matt to start classes. Once we got to our apartment and unloaded everything and closed the door, it was just the two of us. It was my first time to move away from home and Matt was the only person in New Orleans that I knew. It was a hard day.
Ok, so I ended up having ten. I think I actually have more than that, but these are just the one's that I thought of sitting here. What are your unforgettable moments?
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Sandwich Shops
Friday, July 11, 2008
Pow Wow
Here is a picture of one of the professional dancers that dance during the ceremony.
I wasn't able to get the best picture because he was dancing and I really need to get a new camera. But you can see his costume. Anyway, we had a lot of fun this year and can't wait to go back next year.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Congratulations Christina and Josh!

Saturday, July 5, 2008
Needless to say, we were having a bad day! We are doing a lot better now. That was just a major moment of weakness. I think that the whole thing had just gotten to us that day. Oh by the way, both of these flavors of ice cream were very good. Matt and I are not very big Ice Cream eaters but we were really impressed with both of these.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Tomorrow is Matt and I's last day at church. It is not going to be an easy day. Matt and I love our church here in New Orleans. When Matt and I came to New Orleans, we struggled to find a place where we felt like we could serve. After the storm Matt and I found Edgewater Baptist Church. After the first Sunday we knew that Edgewater, was where we were supposed to be. We knew that we could plug in and serve the people of the church, community, and the Lord. We knew that the people of Edgewater took the Bible seriously and taught what it said, and we knew that Edgewater's desire is to reach the nations with the message of Jesus. Matt and I are very sad to leave Edgewater. I tell Matt everyday "I don't want to leave our church." But I know that God will provide a church for us. I know that He will take care of us. So here we go on another adventure...
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
So I went to the creativity portal today and one of the suggestions it gave was to list 25 things I would like to do in my life. I thought that was a good idea, but my list is only going to be 5 items long. (I thought 25 was a little much, and I really don't want to think about it that much) So here we go.
#1. I would like to be a mother one day. The pressure has definately risen in the last year or so to start on this one. I think Matt and I are asked about 17 times a week, when we are going to start trying. I try not to let it bother me too much.
#2. I would like to go to Alaska. I would like to take a cruise there. I think that it would be so beautiful.
#3. I would like to learn another language and be fluent in it. I took spanish in high school, but it did not stick. I think part of the problem was that I was in high school and I didn't care one lick about learning Spanish at the time. However, now I wish that I would have paid a little more attention.
#4. I would like to learn to play the guitar. My brother plays the guitar and He has tried to teach me. The problem was I have no rythm, so I had problems strumming. He kept telling me to keep trying and that one day it would just come naturally. That day never came, so I maybe one day I will pick up the guitar again.
#5. I want to grow old with Matt and sit on our front porch in our rocking chairs. I want to sit and let the world fade away around us. I want to laugh together and love each other more than we ever thought possible.
These are just a few things that I would like to do. I'm sure I could go on and on, but I won't at this time. What are 5 things that you would like to do?
Monday, June 16, 2008
Falling Into Place
Matt and I had a good weekend. We didn't really do a whole lot. We just tried to go through our stuff and either throw away or give away things that we don't need anymore. We spent the majority of Saturday and Sunday going through things.
This is our last full week in New Orleans. I don't think that it has really hit us yet. I don't think that it feels real yet because we aren't packing any boxes yet. Right now it just feels like we are spring cleaning. I'm sure it will feel a lot more real the closer to time it gets.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Matt's Birthday!
These are the uniforms that our men wore while they are fighting in WWII. They are made of wool! Could you imagine wearing wool and trying to fit a war!
This is a plane that is in the museum!
This is Matt and I at the end of our tour of the museum. We had so much fun, I think we could go back and still learn lots that we missed. After we went to the museum we went back to our apartment and spent the afternoon by the pool, one of our favorite things to do to relax. It was a good weekend!
Monday, June 2, 2008
Big News!
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
12 hours
Monday, May 26, 2008
Road Trip
Thursday, May 22, 2008
RA's and GA's
Once a month the RA's have a prize night in class. They recieve tickets for good behavior, bringing their Bibles to class, memorizing their scripture verses, etc. All the tickets get put in a hat and then once a month they have a drawing to see who gets a prize. So last night after our GA's time, we took the girls to the playground, where the boys were already playing. I went outside and sat at a nearby table so I could see everyone. All the prizes that the boys had won were laying on top of the table. One of the boys was sitting there with a frown on his face. I asked him why he was upset and he told me it was because Mr. Matt told him he couldn't touch all the prizes, then he left and went on playing.
Later, in the car Matt and I were talking about the prizes and the boy and Matt told me that right before we had come outside, the boy was playing with all the prizes that didn't belong to him. Matt had told him twice to stop touching the prizes. After the second time he came over to Matt, looked up at him and with his teeth clenched together said, "If you don't stop telling me not to touch the prizes, I'm going to stomp on your toes". I was rolling in the car. I thought it was so funny! These kids crack me up and wear me out all at the same time.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
This past weekend Matt and I really didn't do a whole lot. We went to the graduation here at the seminary because we had several friends that were graduating. After graduation Matt and I spent the rest of our Saturday at the pool. It was so relaxing to just sit in the sun and read my book and hangout with friends. We had a pretty relaxing weekend.
Monday, May 5, 2008
Date Night, Baby Shower, and Pancakes

Friday, May 2, 2008
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
5 Favorite Things

Anyone that owns one of these will tell you how much they love it. I love mine because I can just throw all the ingredients of whatever I am making in the bowl and let the mixer do its magic! It makes baking a lot faster and easier.
2. My Chi

I love my Chi because my hair is naturally curly. It does the best job of straightening my hair and getting it to stay straight. I have that problem since I live in the most humid place on earth!
3. My Redken Guts Volumizer
This picture is really small but it doesn't matter. I still love this stuff. This stuff adds so much volume to my hair. It is amazing!
4. Skinny Cow Ice Cream Sandwiches
I'm not really much of an ice cream eater, but I love these. These are a great treat for me after dinner when I want something sweet. They are low fat, but don't taste like it. I could eat one right now.
5. Bath and Body Works Wallflowers Room Plug InsI like these because they really freshen a room. Bath and Body Works has lots of scents that you can choose from. Some of my favorites are Fresh Linen, Coconut Lime Verbena, and Spiced Cider in the Winter months. Currently I have Japanese Cherry Blossom in our living room and the smell makes me feel so at ease when I walk in the front door. When I'm in the mall and they are on sale I tend to go a little crazy, but I've got to stock up!
These are just a few things that I love and a few things that make my life a little easier.
What are some of your favorites?
Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Congrats Jesse and Jenny!

Thursday, April 10, 2008
Martha's Last Day

Wednesday, April 2, 2008
There is Always More Room
We got to see lots of family this weekend because of the funeral. It is always good to get to spend time with everybody. I think one of the sweetest times for me this weekend was on Saturday night at my Dad and Rebecca's house our immediate family all got together and we spent sometime just talking and laughing. Now this is rare because each one of us has major life transitions going on with new babies on the way, finding new jobs, moving, starting grad school, weddings, and graduations. I think that is why this time was so special because we all stopped and we all focused on each other the joy of family. All of us were there My dad, Rebecca, Kortney and Josh, Matt and I, Lyndsey, Christina and Josh, and Jesse and Jenny. There are a lot of us but we were all together in one room laughing, talking, and spending time together as a family should. It was the highlight of my weekend and I wouldn't trade times like that for the world. I hope and pray that we have many more years filled with times like these.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Rear in Gear
I also have several other things that I need to catch up on this week. Here is a list of things I need to catch up on:
1. Back on the diet and working out schedule
2. Laundry
3. Pay the bills
4. Get back on a normal sleep schedule
5. Household chores
So tonight I will be doing lots of laundry, making dinner, and watching some of my favorite shows. Tonight I will be watching The Bachelor. I always say, "I don't think I am going to watch it this season" but it always sucks me in!
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Favorite Places

Thursday, March 13, 2008
So Far
It is so pretty outside today. I would really love to go to the beach. There is a group of girls going to the beach this weekend and I really wish I could go with them. My dad is bringing a group from his BCM to New Orleans next week, so Matt and I are going to show them around the city. It should be fun. I'm glad they are coming because New Orleans could still use all the help it can get. Don't get me wrong Matt and I love living in New Orleans but there are things about this city that are unhealthy. We will be sad when it is time to move away from here.
I will post some pictures soon, for some reason it isn't letting me post any pictures. Oh, well. I will try again later.